Then, I added my new roller coaster and more food stalls around my amusement park.
RCT 3 allows me to capture the four-step process: probe-hypothesis-reprobe-rethink cycle. In this virtual world, I surveyed (probe) at first my amusement park. Then I started clicking some icons - rides, benches, food stalls, staff, etc. Then, I put my shoes as a visitor - What do I want to see in an amusement park? (hypothesis). With this, I added some features that I saw in the icons. Afterward, I looked at my amusement park once again (reprobe). Finally, I listened to the feedback of my customers and staff, then, evaluated my performance. I realized that there are things that I need to fix, to improve, and to consider with the available resources that I only have. I even feel like "God" when He created the world in six days. Probably, He also did the same, the probe-hypothesis-reprobe-rethink cycle. That is probably why it took Him six days because he added more features from time to time until we came. The feedback - people are constantly whining just like some of my customers and staff. What a challenge! This reminds me of Bruce Almighty. It is tough to be a business person (like in RCT 3) but how much more in His place.
Awesome connection...God used probe-hypothesis-reprobe-rethink. We haven't done much religion in this course, but I think some of the "God" games are perfect fodder for that. I played a game called Black and White that was also very provocatively religious.